
My belief is that justice is a human right. All bodies and identities are welcome and celebrated here. I stand in alliance with members of marginalized groups, who have seen profound injustice throughout history. I am grateful that you are here. Thank you. I hope this is a space where you feel seen and understood. I promise to hold you in high regard with the profound dignity and deep respect that you deserve.

On differences: Differences are real, and they are important. I appreciate diverse voices and work hard to amplify those voices that often go unheard and undervalued. I also understand that where there are differences between us, particularly along the lines of privilege and power, there is potential for harm. I constantly strive to check my privilege and power in order to minimize my blindspots and unintentional harm. When I do make mistakes (and I do), I try to be grateful for the opportunity to do better, apologize, take responsibility for my error and harm done, and I modify my actions.

Further, I approach differences as opportunities to learn about each other, to connect as human beings, to hold myself accountable to you, and to do so with humility. I recognize that this involves a life-long striving. I accept responsibility for this work.

As an ethical psychologist, I believe I have a responsibility to help realize justice in my mental health practice. While I believe there are many ways to do this, my psychotherapy practice puts emphasis on issues of access, equity, diversity, inclusion, cultural sensitivity, anti-oppression, and anti-racism in the mental health space. I use a six-pronged structure to organize the various forms of my commitment to justice and to remain accountable to my clients.

  • Prong 1: Education, training, and consultation
  • Prong 2: Deep work and reflection
  • Prong 3: Commitment to difficult conversations
  • Prong 4: Advocacy
  • Prong 5: Ongoing financial commitment
  • Prong 6: Dedication to anti-oppression and justice in the psychotherapy room

Please contact me if you would like to learn more about how I remain committed to justice in my psychotherapy practice.


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